What's going on....
Monday we took family pictures for Christmas cards and Jada's 3 year old photos. Big THANK YOU to Landry's Photography! They do excellent work and treat the 3 year old very well.
So Brandi finds these thingy things at Sally's. You put them in your wet hair and let them dry over night and you have a temperary perm.
So, Jada went to bed like this...
So she could wake up like this....
Then we fixed her hair like this....
Father in law staining and coating plywood material for cabinets.
Jada has discovered the concept of PRINCESS! Here we go....
Jada after a long day of playing. Tongue and gum hanging out of her mouth.
Jada has decided she can brush her teeth all by herself.
Me and the Princess waiting for Cross Point Baptist School. She goes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9a to 1:30p. Very nice program. She is learning so much, like, "Da Yord is my Cheppard!" (The Lord is my Shepherd)
Me and Jada doing daddy breakfast at Frank's. Apple juice + Biscuits & Gravy = Nap time!
Lil' Monkey! I'm regulated to human play gym.
Jada barrelling down the huge slide at HPC's Family Day.
We got doors hung and walls and ceiling painted. Looking good.
Jada's room out her windows.
Master bedroom looking into bathroom tub.
Kitchen looking to living room on left and Jada's room on right.
Kitchen/Living room looking down stairwell leading to downstairs garage.
The Lambert Family Picture album can be found at:
username: lambert
password: 12350
then follow onscreen instructions: enter email (put a fake one) and first name.
We'd really appreciate it if you would consider Landry's Photography if you need pictures in the future. They do photography for all occasions. Thanks for your consideration.
See you next month or month and a half!